Welcome to the office of the Controller of Examinations


Justice Basheer Ahmed College for Women, formerly known as S.I.E.T. College, affiliated to University of Madras was conferred with the prestigious Autonomous status in the year 2006.

In 2008, Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of curriculum was introduced based on the guidelines given by the Department of Higher Education, Tamil Nadu Government and accordingly the courses were restructured with the following objectives:

  • To provide wider range of courses to choose from.
  • To provide flexibility in the choice of courses.
  • To channelize learning towards subject orientation, skill orientation or research.
  • To facilitate holistic development of the students.
  • To inculcate awareness of the need for eco-friendliness and community focus.

The College has introduced the Outcome Based Education (OBE) frame work from the academic year 2018-19 onwards with the revision of syllabi by the Board of Studies for all programmes. The courses are taught keeping in mind the outcomes the students will be able to achieve.

To make the examination system more authenticate and credible, we adopted the Continuous Internal Assessment and Single valuation has been adopted in the End Semester Examination.
The evaluation of a student in a particular course is based on her performance in both Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and End Semester Examination (ESE).


  • The ratio of CIA: ESE marks was 25:75.  The ratio was changed to 30:70 with effect from 2021-2022.


  • The CIA component comprises of Class tests, Assignments / Seminars, Model Examination and Attendance. UG (PG and B.Com. Honors) students are required to obtain 40% (50%) in End Semester Examinations and 40% (50%) in the aggregate to be declared as pass.


  • The evaluation pattern includes Blooms Taxonomy. The question paper is judicious combination of Objective and Subjective questions. Credits are allotted for Projects, Internships and training program.



Candidates shall have 75% of minimum attendance per semester to take the Semester Examination.


Candidates who have less than 75% of attendance, but above 64% shall pay the condonation fee as per University rule and appear for the examination in the same semester.


Candidates who have attendance between 50% and 64% will have to pay the condonation fee and appear for the examination in the following Semester as arrear.



The date of the commencement of the End Semester Examinations is printed in the College Calender. The detailed Time Table for regular and arrear papers will be published in the College website three weeks before the commencement of the examinations. A copy of the time table will be displayed on the notice board also.


The Students are required to pay the Examination Fee every semester one month before the End Semester Examination by online mode. The fee challan will be generated automatically. After payment, receipt is available and payment confirmation message is sent via SMS and  e-mail.


Hall tickets are generated online. Hall tickets can be downloaded from the College website one week before examination by providing their register numbers and date of birth. All instructions are given in detail in the Hall ticket.


The following rules are applicable to End Semester Examinations

 Students are to be in their seats before the second bell. During the distribution of question papers, no one should enter the hall or room. No one can enter the hall 30 minutes after the commencement of test or examination. No student can receive the question paper before taking her assigned seat in the hall or room.


No student will be allowed to enter the Examination Hall, half an hour after the commencement of the examination.


Students are prohibited from bringing / carrying into the Examination Hall any book or portion of a book, manuscript or any matter of any description. Any communication with another is subject to severe punishment.


No paper other than the question papers should be taken out of the Examination Hall.


Every student is advised to keep the ID card and Present it for appearing in Regular and Arrear Examination.



 As per the University norms dated 29.01.2015, Instant Examinations will be conducted for the final year UG & PG students who have only one arrear in the regular theory papers of the final semester examination.

 A student having arrear in any other semester is not eligible and if a candidate is absent in the current appearance is also not eligible for appearing in the Instant Examinations. Students who have arrear in Practical/Project are not eligible for the Instant Examinations.

 The Instant Examination will not be given to students who had indulged in malpractice.


The results are passed in the Passing Board and published immediately in the College website. Grade Cards and Consolidated Grade Cards are issued.


Facility of revaluation, retotalling, improvement and photocopies of answer booklet on request make the evaluation process transparent.

The number of days to apply for revaluation is 7 working days commencing from the day after publication of results.

The last date for applying for a photocopy of the answer scripts is 3 working days from the date of publication of results.




  • Students, who have secured less than 50% attendance can proceed to the next semester but are required to obtain prior permission from the COE to repeat the missed semester after the VI semester in the case of UG and after IV semester in the case of PG and attend classes.


  • Students having 0% attendance cannot proceed to the next semester without completing the missed semester. They should obtain COE’s permission for re-joining the semester between first week of April and second week of August for odd semester. Then for even semester they should obtain permission from C.O.E. between second week of August and first week of October.

      Such students, who are re-joining either due to break in studies  or due to repeating the semester shall write their examination under the syllabus in-

      force at that time. 


  • Students involved in Extra-curricular Activities shall contact the respective authorities who will seek the prior permission from the Principal and COE for attendance.



C.I.A. Improvement Tests are given to those students who have passed their End Semester Examinations but have failed to pass the subject for want of a minimum aggregate of 40% marks.  C.I.A. Improvement Tests shall be conducted by the concerned Department in the immediately following Semester, so as to enable the students to clear the subject, without their having to write the external examination in the subject.

C.I.A. improvement Tests may be given in respect of the I to V Semesters.  As long as the students is on the Rolls of the College, the C.I.A.  Improvement fee shall be collected as an “Arrear Examination Fee”

After the VI semester, the student shall fill up the C.I.A. improvement Application form, get the signature of the particular subject teacher and the concerned H.O.D.  and pay the C.I.A. improvement fee into the bank after obtaining the challan from the C.O.E.’s office. She shall submit the Application Form and the payment receipt to the C.O.E.’s office with fifteen (15) days after the College reopens. 


  • Students up to the VI semester have to apply for arrear examination in a separate form along with the regular examination form. It has to be countersigned by HOD, course teacher and student. The forms are supplied by the C.O.E.’s Office to the department.
  • After the VI semester, a student has to collect the application forms from C.O.E.’s Office along with fee payment challan. The filled application forms should be counter signed by HOD, course teacher and student. The course teacher has to approve the syllabus before countersigning.



The College views examination malpractice of any kind very seriously. Any student found to be directly or indirectly involved in malpractice during examinations will be subject to substantial penalties, including being debarred from subsequent appearances. If malpractice is detected during the Semester Examination, the following steps shall be taken:

  •   The Committee incharge will analyse the malpractice committed and take necessary action.


  • If the student is found guilty, “Zero” marks will be given for the concerned paper in which the student was found to have committed malpractice during that Semester.


  • The Student’s hall ticket will be seized and she will be debarred from taking all the subsequent examinations during that semester and marked “Absent”.






Dyslexia students: For students who are mentally disabled, having disability and mental retardation, who are slow learners, who are mentally impaired having learning disorder and seizure disorder and students who are suffering from spastic cerebral Palsy, the following concessions shall be granted:


  • Part A: Foundation course Tamil or any other Language can be exempted.
  • One-third of the time of paper may be given as extra time in the Examination.
  • Leniency in overlooking spelling mistakes, and
  • Scribes for all courses are arranged, provided the request is duly certified by the Medical Board of the Government Hospital/ General Hospital/ District headquarters Hospitals and they shall be declared qualified for the degree if they pass the other examinations prescribed for the degree.


A scribe shall be arranged by the College and the scribe shall be paid as per the University norms.

 Hearing, Speaking Impaired & Mentally retarded:


For students who are hearing and speaking impaired and who are mentally challenged, the following concessions shall be granted:


  • One Language paper either Part (A) Foundation course Tamil or any other Language or Part (B) English or its equivalent can be exempted.
  • Part D: Non-Major Elective (NME) or Basic Tamil or Advanced Tamil can be exempted.


Visually Challenged students:


  • Exempted from paying examination fees.
  • A scribe shall be arranged by the College and the scribe be paid as per the University norms.




If students taking part in sports representing college are not able to pay the examination fee on time, they are given fine waiver, attendance waiver provided there are formal recommendations from the Physical Director.



 As per the University norms dated 08.02.2018,

  • A Student, who for whatever reasons is not able to complete the programme within the normal period (N) or the Minimum duration prescribed for the programme, may be allowed two years period beyond the normal period to clear the backlog to be qualified for the degree.(Time Span = N+2 years for the completion of programme).
  • During the extended period the student shall be considered as a Private Candidate and also not eligible for RANKING.




  • Online verification of genuiness of the marks of students for employment opportunities.
  • Release of Academic Records to World Education Services (WES) for verification
  • Issue of Course Completion Certificate
  • Issue of Certificates for Additional Credits earned
  • Issue of Transcripts to students on request


       C.O.E. OFFICE MOTTO: